Sunday, December 29, 2019

Exercise - 2109 Words

inecraft Username - CowGum Age - 14 Timezone - As of now I currently am in the timezone EDT (UTC -4). Country - I live in the U.S.A or (United States of America). What time are you most often on and how many hours can you contribute? Roughly I think I can play for about 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM on weekends. In addition to the weekends I can play for about 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM on weekdays. On weekends I basically play all day which, but on weekends I am very limited due to the fact that I have homework and finals to take. In out of all honesty I think of myself to be a very active player. I believe I can contribute about 10 hours on weekends and 3-4 hours on†¦show more content†¦One thing I have been banned (Temporarily- banned) on the archon is IRL TRADE. I think I have learned from being banned because when I got banned for 3 days. I was really sad because Archon was my favorite server at the time due to the fact that Factions Silver was very competitive. Another thing I have learned is to not use hacks. I have learned that it just ruins the game for other players and makes you win games too easy. Also in addition to that another thing to mention is that I will not abuse power. Simply because it would be an U nfair advantage. For example if someone was using hacks on PVP would that be fun for you? Or another example of abusing would be choosing to kick your enemies in combat instead of your friends. From the years I have spent with helpers I have realized how non-biased they are. Abusing would be a very misconceptional thought. In out of all honesty it would just cause more trouble. For instance if I kicked a player in combat and took his god-set, I would risk the chance of getting banned. In my opinion hacking or using non approved mods is very unfair. As an example say in the HCF server Im playing on someone was using a Auto Clicker to kill me. After all hes using those mods/hacks to his enjoyment. He has no respect to our enjoyment and no respect to us. That is what unfair is in my opinion. After using hacks once and being selfish, I have learned not and to promise myself to never use hacks again.Show MoreRelatedExercise : Exercise And Exercise Essay1380 Words   |  6 PagesA very i mportant and often overlooked activity in today’s society is exercise. Exercise positively influences many aspects of life and people today are simply not incorporating it into their daily lives. What they don’t understand is exercise is extremely beneficial to physical and mental health. With a healthy mind and body people can go about their day feeling healthier, having a better sense of body image, and can process thoughts more clearly and concisely. It is also a physiologically naturalRead MoreExercise : Exercise And Exercise851 Words   |  4 Pages What is Exercise? That dreaded word, exercise. What exactly is, exercise? Why do we dread such a word? Maybe because of all the years of forced exercise during gym class in school; or maybe because of feeling humiliated and defeated by simple tasks, like walking up a flight of stairs, or being out of breath after singing a song. Whoever said exercise couldn’t be fun and at your own will? Whatever preconceptions you have of exercise, forget it. Now, you’re probably wondering who I am to tell youRead MoreExercise : Exercise And Exercise Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesWe are all aware that exercise helps you physically. A big portion of us are ignorant to the fact that exercise can help you mentally as well. I say ignorant because well all know that exercise is physically helpful, but are unaware that it also helps us in our everyday thinking. Exercise helps us release stress, which helps us be calm and make wiser decisions without overthinking any situation. Many of us, or if not all of us, have experienced or are experiencing stress of some sort. Instead ofRead MoreExercise Physiology : Exercise And Exercise1691 Words   |  7 Pages â€Æ' Contents Exercise physiology 1 Purpose of report 2 History 2 Rules and Information 2 Positions in touch 2 Middle 3 Link 3 Wing 3 Recommended playing position 3 Energy systems 4 Fitness training program 4 My Recommendations, Evaluation conclusion 5 Fitness components 5 Bibliography 6 Exercise physiology Exercise physiology is a part of the biological sciences which have to do with how the body responds to exercise and training. An exercise physiologist is a scientist who investigatesRead MoreExercise : Exercise And Exercise1721 Words   |  7 PagesMany times when people think of exercise it is thought of in an incredibly broad sense. There is no second thought given to whether the workouts are high or low pace, to what the level of exertion is, or the fluctuation of oxygen levels. With this being said, there are others that think of exercise in a more detailed way that live and breathe it, and are educated in the way the details of exercise works. This detailed broken down way of thinking breaks down breathing, heart rate, recovery, and manyRead MorePhysical Exercise And Mental Exercise Essay1976 Words   |  8 Pagesdevelopment or deterioration of the brain as we age. Although I agree that physical exercise is critical in increasing cognitive function because of the health benef its it provides, as well as the increased blood flow and circulation throughout the body, I ultimately believe that a healthy brain is not achieved solely by physical exercise or mental exercise, but both. I think there is a link between physical and mental exercise, and that the combination of these two activities creates higher cognitive functioningRead MoreExercise Of The Gods : Exercise878 Words   |  4 Pages ï  ¶ The lost and Found martial arts Degree # 6 â€Å"Exercise of the gods† Exercise was created by the Gods. As you may recall, from one of its earliest recorded origins 770 BC, Exercise began in Greece where the young men would train to become fit like the Gods. (From Latin meaning exercitium=to keep busy, training or practice. And from exertus/exerere to thrust/ex=out+serere†to attach/protect from sickness). Although, careful research shows that a ‘vigorous workout’ (Initiation), was performedRead MoreExercising The Exercise Of Exercise927 Words   |  4 Pagesimportance of exercising and do not get the recommended amount of exercise. According to Centers of Disease Control (CDC), â€Å"80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended exercise.† 323,607,375 million people live in the United States and only 80 percent exercise. As a result in regular exercise, one’s mind, attitude, and how one lives their day to day life is surprisingly affected. However, in this day and age people exercise to achieve the best looking body but, many people also forget thatRead MoreExercise And Exercise : Aerobic Exercise1397 Words   |  6 PagesQuestion 1: What Is Aerobic Exercise? Aerobic exercise (also known as cardiovascular exercise) is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends mainly on the aerobic energy-generating procedure. The word Aerobic literally means pertaining to, including, or requiring free oxygen, and refers to the use of oxygen to properly meet energy demands during exercise through aerobic metabolism.Generally, light-to-moderate intensity exercises that are completely supported by aerobic metabolismRead MoreThe Importance Of Regular Exercise With Exercise Essay1344 Words   |  6 Pagesimproved vigour, and it may offer long-term benefits as well. # Gain More Energy. As you exercise regularly, your entire body becomes more efficient. Your heart begins to pump more blood with each beat and to beat fewer times each minute. Your body develops the ability to make more oxygen available to your cells. That means more energy - greater productivity, more stamina, and less fatigue. # Feel Good. Exercise makes you feel good, both physically and mentally. It gives you a psychological lift and

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay Education and Democracy How We Need Both - 739 Words

Education is an important part in sustaining a Democracy. Without an educated citizenry we would fall apart as a free nation. All aspects of our political and economic system rely on a literate and able group to carry out the necessary processes and duties of our country. In sustaining itself our nation has imparted itself on creating and sustaining systems that maintain Democracy. One of the biggest systems that must be devised is one that transfers knowledge across generations, therefore it comes to no surprise that we have an established public school system whose intent is to educate every child without extra price, even going so far as to cover transportation and food for those whore unable to cover it. Yet the state has set the†¦show more content†¦People who made these important connections shaped the very Democracy that we as a nation our trying to preserve. We still live in a society that rewards intellect and creativity, and yet our education system churns out robo tically minded machines, capable of only understanding true or false scenarios. We claim to be a Democratic country, yet so few Americans truly understand the basic difference between a Democrat and a Republican. Without an enlightened mindset we will fall just as the Romans did when they went from a free nation to an empire, to only to end up in ruins. Instead of teaching children to memorize from flash cards and bubbling scantrons we should ignite a sense of curiosity through exploration of what the world has for us. The most basic experiments of how a butterfly is formed from a caterpillar will spark a thirst to understand the patterns found in nature. The simplest form of economic trade by having students interact with make-up currency will enable them to understand the true value in a healthy economy, and an essay that they can explore their deepest thoughts will embark them on a quest to discovering information for them. Too much are we concerned with shoving data into childre ns minds. When the only thing data is good for, is storing. It is information that will inform! A student will only do as well as they are motivated to. If a teacher is dragging on an apathetic attitude than that will reflect in the students score and theirShow MoreRelatedWorkforce Education : The Nexus Between Capitalism And Democracy780 Words   |  4 Pagesby the topic of workforce education in her article, Workforce Education: the Nexus between Capitalism and Democracy. She discusses how democracy and capitalism are at odds on the subject. Her article surmises key players in the debate including Thurow, Prosser and Dewey. While summarizing the varying views, she concludes that democracy and capitalism have managed to survive and even flourish together for many years and that human capital is a key component in both views. Summary WendyRead MoreWhen You Think Of The Word Democracy You Think About A1382 Words   |  6 Pagesthink of the word democracy you think about a politics. I am not a fan of politics at all but when someone says democracy, I think of a system of government that the population votes in a candidate through elected representatives. The schooling system does a good job noftying children that their vote counts. These are the rights that everyone has to fight about because they are very important. People always fight for the right to vote and their voice to be heard. The word democracy just does not meanRead MoreNations With A System Of Liberal Democracy1734 Words   |  7 PagesNations with a system of liberal democracy have a hope to achieve a structure of government that benefits all citizens equally (Callan, p. 1, 2004). However, countries that claim to be liberal representative democracies (such as the United States, New Zealand, and the Britain) have failed to be representative of a ll the citizens. Due to historical occurrences, traditional gender roles, and lack of activism from the elite (white men in positions of power), women have been denied their natural humanRead MoreEducation And Social Thought Of Americans1538 Words   |  7 PagesEducation and democracy are related through the practice and social thought of Americans. Education is a vast subject and the opportunities to learn are endless, but the general point of education is to improve one’s ability to understand certain concepts and put them to use in the real world. If people were left uneducated, they would never know that a better life could be in their future. The point of a democracy is to have a structured way of life where everyone can speak for himself or herselfRead More Education in Colonial History Essay810 Words   |  4 PagesEducation in Colonial History Thomas Jefferson and Robert Coram both had different plans for education in colonial America. Jefferson was the most well known advocate for education while Coram was the least famous devisor of educational plans. Jefferson, as we all know, wrote the Declaration of Independence and later became the third President. Robert Coram was a young man who worked for a Republican newspaper in Delaware. He based most of his plan on the works of Noah Webster, who wasRead MoreThe Structure Of A Federal Government1591 Words   |  7 Pages Intro: With the structure of a Federal government, a ruling Parliament and a written constitution, the country of Xlandia will now be served at its best, now and over time. By restricting, both, the government and the citizens from too much power, the base of this system will be provided by individuals with enough knowledge and insight for Xlandia to be successful. This will also allow the people speak their own opinions through free, fair, and relatively frequent elections. With ample representationRead MoreDemocracy Is Not A Democracy1297 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.† said by John Adams Defines our country s government to a tea Democracy commonly refers to a type of political system in which the people or their representatives lawfully govern themselves, rather than being governed, say, by a military dictatorship, totalitarian party or monarchRead MoreThe Point Of View Of Paulo Freire1299 Words   |  6 Pageshistory has reflected that both humanization and dehumanization can be real alternatives. Humanization is our true vocation and this vocation is being attacked as well as negated. In order to restore the humanization, liberation is the fundamental drive of humanity and it is a key for social change. Liberation is the leading point to awake the critical awareness and the thinking process of the individual in the society. The oppressed is needed to restore the humanity of both the oppressors and theRead MoreSocial Class and Education1745 Words   |  7 PagesDemocracy is both an idea and a way of conducting a political government. In EDL 204 we looked at democracy as an idea. Democracy as it relates to education refers to the need to teach children how to be active and knowledgeable members in our democratic society. This preparati on will lead them to live life in a way that promotes the good of the public. In an essay by John Dewey he discusses whether education is a public or private matter. Because the goal of democracy is education is to prepareRead MoreRegime, Religion and Politics670 Words   |  3 Pagesbetween human beings and God or gods, or whatever they consider sacred. On the other hand, there is another crucial factor called â€Å"Democracy†, which is by far the most challenging form of the state - both for politicians and for individuals. The term â€Å"democracy† comes from Greek language and it means â€Å" rule by the people†. In this essay, I will mention about how religions and politics are intertwined these days, and the ways goverments try to find the best solution for managing people. My specific

Friday, December 13, 2019

Existentialistic Ideas in Anita Desai’s Novels Free Essays

EXISTENTIALIST FOCUS ON PROTAGONIST SITA – ANITA DESAI’S -WHERE SHALL WE GO THIS SUMMER ? The protagonist herself has an existential entity. Desai, has presented an intense identity crisis of the central character Sita, a sensitive woman in her late forties. Existentialism’ is a difficult term to define and an odd movement as many feel, but it not totally impossible to define. We will write a custom essay sample on Existentialistic Ideas in Anita Desai’s Novels or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘Existentialists’, tend to take freedom of the will, the human power to do or not do, as absolutely obvious. Only now and then, there are arguments for free will. Sita was one such character depiction of Anita Desai. However, in general the existentialists recognize that human knowledge is limited and fallible. The protagonist expects miracles to happen on her island. One can be deeply committed to truth and investigation and simply fail to find adequate truth, or get it wrong. The world in which we live is full of spiritual stress and strain. Sita terribly wants to escape from her day to day life and its mundane extensions. Modern man has become materialistic, so self centered and so ego- centric that,he cannot afford to help without suffering the inner problem – a conviction of segregation and purposelessness prevails in his day to day life. Sita is tired of the monotony of the life in Bombay. She wants to run away, from the daily duties that torture her. She slowly feels, like going far away and leaving the place would help her get rid of her mental turmoil. So, ultimately Sita’s option was her father’s magical island ‘Manori’. The existential problem is so critical and enveloping that it threatens every sphere of her life. We see Sita, the landlord of the mansion in the magical island Manori, arriving there after a long gap of twenty years. The air seems to be pathetic, as nothing seems to be perfect when she arrives, with her two children, in search of peace and harmony. Desai employs the sea, as a contrivance of progress that is focused in this novel. Sita, the central character, seems to be bored with life in Mumbai and expects to have a drastic change in life at ‘Manori’. The people in the island await ferventlyto see the daughter of their beloved saint who was phenomenal in human relation and a living legend for all of them, but Sita returns as a chaotic mother, without her husband to accompany and with no special traits ofher great father. The sea plays a major role in the lives of both Raman and Sita, because this is the place where their life had begun. Desai makes use of the term a ‘zombie’ – an expression to portray the frustration with the rich life in the city. Sita is seen to suffer, from culpability this transforms her intact personality. Moses finds her not, the least like her father. The metropolis had taught her to smoke – a habit that even men in the island feel unrespectable. Sita had intentions of keeping the baby unborn, but not to abort it. Every action she performed at home in Mumbai appeared as sheer madness. The boys acting the scene, Menaka and her magazine, the ayah’s gossip all seemed to terrorize Sita. The insecurity of the city life made Sita feel, that she had to return to her safe magical island Manori, which was paradise to her. The menial matters of food, sex and money were simple matters to the town folk who were engrossed in such mind-numbing venture. She had lived in a joint family set up and everyone was all the time talking about trivialities like food or at least the preparation of it. Thus Desai The arena she has given the readers to exploit is quite wide. The readers wonder at the author’s skillful portrayal of relationships. How to cite Existentialistic Ideas in Anita Desai’s Novels, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Computer Games Are Very Bad for People and They Cause a Lot of Problem free essay sample

Computer games are very bad for people and they cause a lot of problems Computers have change people’s lives, which has improved our living standard dramatically and makes our lives easier, more comfortable and can save more time. However, computer games do not help to improve our life at all. It is a disaster for all age groups, because it causes a lot of problems. As a student, computer games can affect your study at the school, because you spend a lot of time playing it and do not study or do homework, which you are supposed to do, although you may not care what you get in your exam. However, I believe that your parents will be disappointed if you do not work hard and waste your time on the useless computer games. Even if you are not a student, you should not spend too much time on computer games because the world is so complicated and competitive and you should keep up with the pace of it, so you won’t feel left out. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Games Are Very Bad for People and They Cause a Lot of Problem or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, the unemployment rate is increasing rapidly in the world. Therefore, you should feel lucky, if you have a job, no matter whether it is part-time or full-time. It is very easy for the owner to replace you, if you are not hard-working. As a result, I believe that employees should always pay full attention to their work and do not overplay the computer games, instead you should mingle with your friends to exchange experiences in your jobs which will increase communication. Other than that, there are still some more disadvantages of playing computer games: it can cause short-sightedness and an unhealthy diet. Since you have to stare at the computer for a long time, the eye focuses on the screen, causing the muscle of the eye (ciliary muscle) to remain relaxed and the ciliary muscle will not contract again if you play computer games from day to night without any rest. This is likely to cause short-sightedness unless you look a distant object from time to time. On the other hand, you may not have a healthy diet, because you believe computer games are more important than sleeping and having a meal at the appropriate time. This means that you do not have enough sleep because you want to proceed to the next level as soon as possible and do not enjoy your meal because you just want to beat the opponents. You are also not taking a break even when you are having meals, or you believe that you have enough energy to play the computer games continuously. In conclusion, I believe that computer games are mainly bad for people and have caused a lot of problems which bring us inconvenience such as wearing glasses. Therefore, we should not always play computer games, unless we are organized and can manage our time well. If not, I do not believe that playing computers are good for you, even though it is exciting sometimes.